April 19, 2011

the quilt that was supposed to be first but wasn't (or was it?)

Which came first?

or #1?
Number 1 the first came first if an idea counts as existence. But number 1 the second came first if physical form counts as existence.
Number 1 the first was the vision I had in my brain. Number 1 the second was how the vision manifested itself in the real world (after my tricky brain reconsidered her original idea and those pesky hands got in the way). Number 1 the first is the quilt that my brain wouldn't forget and wouldn't forget and wouldn't forget. So I had to make it eight long months after attempt #1. Sometimes you just have to make something. again.

April 14, 2011

A new look

So you might have noticed that I spruced things up around here. In the spring I get the decorating bug and right now it is manifesting itself as a desire to paint my living room Martha Stewart's "Salt Glaze" and possibly paint the kitchen cabinets (oh boy do I hate my cabinets. and my counters).  Instead of doing all of that, I decided to update how my blog and website look. Did you notice the new banner up top? Did you notice that it matches the banner in my Etsy shop? Of course you did. You are very observant today.

This is the updated website. It is much less dark than before. I'm pretty pleased with myself. You might also notice that the quilt on the front page is one of my new small landscape quilts. They are slowly making their way onto Etsy and all four in finished form are posted on my website here. I am not a big fan of shameless self promotion, so this blog post feels a bit...er...awkward to me. But. I am trying to put into practice some of the things I learned in my Artist, Inc. class and through the helpful etsy blog about continuity and (gasp!) branding.

Quilt guild is tonight and my Robert Kaufman Kona Solids quilt is officially finished. Or it will be once it comes out of the wash.

I've been dreaming about big striped quilts lately. Like rugby shirts, but quilts. Hm...